How To Create And Review A Business Plan: Outline And Scoring Sheet

by Herb Rubenstein

Item Maximum Score 240
Score (1-10 for each category)

1. Industry Definition

2. Size of Market for Products Explanation

3. Demand/Need Factors for this Product

4. Description of Service/Product-Differentiation]

5. Competitive Analysis-Static

6. Competitive Analysis-Dynamic (How will

Competitors Respond)

7. Business Model-Clarity

8. Expected Evolution of Business

9. Management Team-Today

10. Management Team-Expected

11. Marketing Strategy

12. Financial Data

13. Overhead Analyzed

14. Expected Sources of Capital

15. Quality of Product Assurances

16. Distribution System

17. Challenges Explained

18. Supply Chain Management

19. Customer Focus

20. Research Capability

21. Production Capability

22. Operating Milestones

23. Strategic Alliances

24. Exit Strategy


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