The Golf Shot Playlist

Below I have listed the names of 100 different types of golf shots. The purpose of doing this is not just to learn this vocabulary. The goal of every golfer seeking to improve is to learn how to hit well each of the 100 golf shots that have names. It is my belief that if two golfers have basically similar swings, hit the ball approximately the same distance, and putt equally well, the golfer who knows how to hit MORE SHOTS will likely win over time against the other golfer who does not know how to hit as many shots well.

I hope you find this newsletter useful, and if you are a teacher, please teach your players how to hit each of these shots on this “GOLF SHOT PLAYLIST.”

1. Hook

2. Pull hook

3. Slice

4. Fade

5. Push fade

6. Low fade

7. High fade

8. Cut

9. Double-cross

10. Draw

11. Low draw

12. High Draw

13. Top

14. Sky

15. Duck Hook

16. Banana Ball

17. Worm Burner

18. Pull

19. Push

20. Drive

21. Punch

22. Knockdown

23. Bunker

24. Sand shot

25. Bank

26. Knock Down

27. Stinger

28. Bump and Run

29. Pitch and Run

30. Flop

31. Putt

32. Chip

33. Approach

34. Lay Up

35. Shank

36. Fat

37. Thin

38. Three putt

39. Gimme

40. Lag putt

41. Straight

42. Low

43. High

44. Downhill

45. Uphill

46. Sidehill

47. Blind Shot

48. Mulligan

49. Breakfast Ball

50. Short Game

51. Fringe putt

52. Texas Wedge putt

53. Off green putt

54. Plugged Lie

55. Fried Egg

56. Chili Dip

57. Three Quarter shot

58. Half shot

59. Full shot

60. Defensive shot

61. Take Dead Aim

62. Chip In

63. Hole in One

64. Up and Down

65. Up, Up and Down

66. Sandie

67. Driver from the deck

68. Ball back in stance

69. Ball forward in stance

70. Ball in middle of stance

71. Opposite handed shot

72. Shank or Right

73. Choke down or split grip

74. Tee

75. Opening Drive

76. Fairway

77. Rough

78. Stymie

79. With wind

80. Against wind

81. Straight putt

82. Breaking putt

83. Hybrid putt

84. Hybrid chip

85. Trap draw

86. Whiff

87. Fan

88. Butter cut

89. Slider putt

90. Toed putt

91. Heeled

92. Toed

93. Bladed

94. OB

95. Water ball

96. Skip water

97. The Bomb

98. Holed Out

99. Lip Out

100. Shot from divot


The “To Stop” List


What is the Purpose of the Golf Swing?